Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Joining us on the Bike 'n Wheels Expedition...

G'day riders!

Just wanted to let you all know that we will be joined on the expedition by a multimedia producer from France! Anthony Humeau has been in Australia since September 2006, working on a project titled 'Dreams to Share'. This project, which has received sponsorship from various companies in France, is titled 'Des reves a partager', which translates as 'Sharing the dreams', and in this project he is creating soundsscapes throughout his travels in Australia, which are then being broadcast on radio back in France.

He hopes to discover the dreams of ordinary Australians - people like you - who have different reasons and motivations for taking up a challenge, such as the Bike 'n Wheels Expedition.

Anthony came into the office for a chat a number of weeks ago and he is very excited to be able to join us, and discover Australia in such an original way!

Check out his website (it's all in French though!) at

That's all from me for now!


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